Adama Miiralin was a young and naive cleric of Tymora in Waterdeep in 1372 DR.[1]
Adama was a young and enthusiastic man. He hoped to rise through the ranks of the church of Tymora. Despite his usually wise nature, he believed wholly in luck, and took wild risks as a matter of course.[1][2]
The young priest was hopelessly in love with Lamris Kholl.[2]
Adama hailed from Arabel in Cormyr, but departed to distance himself from the heretical local clerics of Tymora.[1][2] In Waterdeep, he aspired to have the local Tower of Luck be considered the center of Tymoran worship.[2]
Adama spent much of his time stayed near the Yawning Portal, observing adventurers that entered and exited Undermountain and keeping records of those who attempted Lady Luck's ultimate test.[1][2] He shared these records with both his superiors in the Church of Tymora and with the Open Lord Piergeiron.[2]
On the month of Eleint, in the year 336 NR (1368 DR), High Priestess Seenroas Halvinhar ordered the Adama to set down an account of all the latest activity and news surrounding the Yawning Portal and Undermountain.[2]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Eric L. Boyd (June 2005). City of Splendors: Waterdeep. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 46. ISBN 0-7869-3693-2.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Steven E. Schend (March 1996). “The Reports from Undermountain”. In Pierce Watters ed. Dragon #227 (TSR, Inc.), p. 15.