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Adrelgus was a Red Wizard who was handily slain on Marpenoth 17 of the Year of the Prince, 1357 DR while reaching for The Simbul. His body became clasped tightly within the marble floor of the Hall of Scrolls and Ledgers inside the Royal Palace of Cormyr, leaving Vangerdahast quite shaken.[1]


He had a few black hairs on the back of his hand.[1]


At some point, he had worn several rings.[1]


After his death, a hand was found fused with the floor of the Hall of Scrolls and Ledgers of the Royal Palace of Cormyr on Marpenoth 17; Vangerdahast was pulled in to examine the reaching appendage, freshly dead and with many of its rings palmed away. This stumped Vangerdahast, as the wards of the room were the work of hundreds of hands, meant to be impossible to bypass through legerdemain.[1]

Flailing, Vangerdahast summoned Khelben Arunsun, who, having armed some of the wards, recognized the handiwork of Elminster Aumar's traps, pointing it must've been a Red Wizard trying to elbow in on a spot where Elminster and the Simbul liked to caress and hold hands. Vangerdahast then magically poked Elminster to turn up, but instead, a white-knuckled Simbul did. On arriving, Simbul seemed ready to rub off Vangerdahast, but soon fingered Adrelgus as the possessor of the hand instead, and thumbing her nose at the strength of the wards, single-handedly waved his remains away. This was a slap in the face to Vangerdahast, who wondered aloud if more vaults on Toril were not really so tight-fisted; his observation had its finger on the wrist of matters, which Khelben handed to him.[1]

Mystra later scratched some of Vangerdahast's memories of the event into Elminster, but the archdevil Nergal pinched those in 1372 DR.[2]



The events are told as a memory entitled "The Reaching Hand" during Elminster in Hell.


Elminster in Hell


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Ed Greenwood (August 2001). Elminster in Hell. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 4, pp. 66–70. ISBN 0-7869-1875-6.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Ed Greenwood (August 2001). Elminster in Hell. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. Realmslore, p. 3. ISBN 0-7869-1875-6.