Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Aearee, one of the creator races of Faerun. Said to have prospered in the Days of Thunder (circa -31000 DR). Their race appears to have originated on a massive island, thousands of square miles in size. This island existed off the coast of what was Faerun, Pre-Sundering.[1]

Of the Aearee Empires, there are three known capitals established in the following locales:

-Aearee-Krocaa: In the west, the Grand Aerie of Viakoo on Mount Havraquoar was established as the capital of their great nation[2]. This was likely the capital of the Aearee Enclaves[1].

-Aearee-Syran: The Syran empire held its capital at Phwiukree, in the Peaks of what are now known as the Star Mounts in the High Forest[2].

-Aearee-Quor: The south-eastern Aearee Empire established its capital at Shara, a rookery built in the Orsraun Mountains, mountains that border present day Turmish lands[2].

