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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Aevendrow, or starlight elves, were an extremely rare and distinct type of drow that lived in the frozen North.[1][2]


Aevendrow were proficient mages and extraordinarily secretive. Because of this, almost nobody knew of them.[1]


Their society was far different to that of Udadrow, the most common type of drow. Having rejected Lolth, they retained their original virtues, and their society was opposite to that of the Udadrow society of Menzoberranzan. Aevendrow society was based in Callidae, the starlight enclave built of ice, which was far to the North.[1]


When the majority of drow followed their dark goddess, Lolth, into the deep confines of the Underdark, a small minority did not. Aevendrow, as these drow would become called, relocated to the far north of Faerûn and established Callidae, which would become their new home.[1]



Starlight Enclave


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Legend of Drizzt. Wizards of the Coast. (2021-05-20). Archived from the original on 2021-05-20. Retrieved on 2021-05-20.
  2. R.A. Salvatore (August 2021). Starlight Enclave. (Harper Voyager). ISBN 978-0063029774.
High elves: Grey elfLlewyrrMoon elfStar elfSun elf
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