Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Ahri "Golemkin" was an artificer and an engineer from Lantan who work in the illegal logging camp in Samarach by the Lantan-Samarach portal in the late 14th century DR.[1]

Every time! Reliable as clockwork, because they're clockwork themselves - on their mother's side, that is. Ha! Small joke! ...But yes, they're loyal, wonderful things.
— Ahri "Golemkin", talking bout her golems[1]


Ahri was a young diminutive gnomish woman who wore brightly-colored cacophonous outfits stained with ink and grease. Her personality could be described as eccentric and absentminded. She constantly mumbled to herself as her mind birthed new plans and inventions.[1]


As of the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR, Ahri "Golemkin" could be found by the Lantan-Samarach portal in the jungles of the Samarlogh. She arrived at the logging camp from Lantan and brought along her vast arsenal of constructs she referred to as her "marvelous friends." These constructs included Lantanese iron golems, Lantanese blade spiders, and clockroaches. Her supervisor – Dall Nickleplate, was an angry individual who forbade the young gnome to sell her constructs to the camp's sporadic visitors.[1]

Ahri "Golemkin" was present at the logging camp when it became plagued by misfortunes, and its hefty logging machines mysteriously moved across the camp at night, leaving no tracks in the dirt. She also was present during the death of engineer Tamith Timekeep and poisoning, as well as the portal's sabotage by a yuan-ti spy named Luaire Farwander.[1]

Soon after, Ahri started noticing that her golems started to "misbehave." A handful of her clockroaches inexplicably ran away. "Golemkin" asked a group of adventurers to collect pieces of malfunctioning clockroaches so she could study them and determine the cause of the strange behavior. She offered a collapsable clockroach as the reward.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir

