Alambit was a language spoken by the inhabitants of the peninsula of Altumbel and the lands along the coast of the Sea of Fallen Stars towards the Alamber Sea, from Spandeliyon in the northwest to Thasselen in the southeast.[1]
Alambit was considered a Chessentic language, being related to Chessentan, and was divided into two dialects, Altumbelan and Coastal (or Reach) Alambit.[2]
- ↑ Thomas M. Costa (1999). “Speaking in Tongues”. In Dave Gross ed. Dragon Annual #4 (TSR, Inc) (4)., p. 26.
- ↑ Thomas M. Costa (1999). “Speaking in Tongues”. In Dave Gross ed. Dragon Annual #4 (TSR, Inc) (4)., p. 28.
Faerûnian Languages by Grouping