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The Alliance of Seventon was a confederation south of the Narrow Sea in north Faerûn in the 4th millennium before Dale Reckoning. It was a precursor to the nation of Netheril.[3] Destroyed by orks in 3502.


The First Age (0-325 NY): The citizens of seven fishing villages on the Narrow SeaFenwick, Gers, Gilan, Gustaf, Moran, Nauseef, and Janick—sought mutual protection and chose to unite, forming the Alliance of Seventon. To mark and celebrate this union, they created the Netheril Year calendar, with the year of founding being 0 NY (−3859 DR).[3] They sought protection from orks, that where threatening their existence. An alliance with nearby living elves was formed. The elves taught them how to use rudimentary magic. The First Age ended with the beginning of the expansion of the union.

The shaman king Nether the Elder of Gers demanded ever greater tributes from the seven villages. In 3 NY (−3856 DR), the alliance expanded into an empire named Netheril, meaning "Nether's Land", now a kingdom under Nether's rule.[1][3]

After the alliance expanded to become an empire, the name "Seventon" was from then on used as the location of the original group of villages.[1][4][5]

Nether Age (326-543 NY): The discovery of the Nether scrolls propelled the magic strength of Netheril to new levels. They gave the union the ability to fight the Orks.[1]

Mythallar Era (544-1100 NY): Ioulaum was born in the Seventon. He later gifted every city a mythallar to protect them from unexpected weather, fire, and other disasters, both magical and mundane.[1]

Silver Age (1101-1651 NY): The cities grew rich by selling their fish and building a great army.[1]

Golden Age (1652-2653 NY): With the borders secured, Seventon formed itself to a center of magic and art. They build great churches of stone to honor the gods, even if most Netheril enclaves disagreed.[1]

Age of Discovery (2654-3162 NY): Alchemy was established as a serious profession and form of art. Sadly most of the knowledge is lost.[1]

Shadow Age (3163-3519 NY): As the orks begin to rise in power, the conflicts grew stronger. In 3303 a huge battle on the planes of Seventon was fought between a massiv horde of orks and the army of Seventon. The orks flew instead of fighting and assaulted the city of Janick, which fell in a matter of hours. The orks burned the city to the ground and killed nearly everyone of the 25,000 residents. For the next 150 years the orks constantly raided the citys until the army landed a devastating attack, that killed almost all of the orks.[1]

The Fall and Beyond (3520-now NY): The fall of the enclaves brought the end to Seventon. Without the magic and the army heavily crippled, the orks killed them very fast.[1]


A village on the southern coast of the Narrow Sea.[4][5]
The village where Nether the Shaman-King, the first and last ruler of Seventon, resided.[2]
The southern-most[4][5] fishing village of the alliance.[2]
The western-most port-village on the southern coast of the Narrow Sea.[2][4][5]
The central village on the southern coast of the Narrow Sea.[2][4][5]
The village east of Gustaf.[2][4][5]
The village that protected Seventon's eastern front.[2][4][5]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 slade, Jim Butler (October 1996). “The Winds of Netheril”. In Jim Butler ed. Netheril: Empire of Magic (TSR, Inc.), pp. 86–87. ISBN 0-7869-0437-2.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 slade, Jim Butler (October 1996). “The Winds of Netheril”. In Jim Butler ed. Netheril: Empire of Magic (TSR, Inc.), p. 5. ISBN 0-7869-0437-2.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Brian R. James, Ed Greenwood (September 2007). The Grand History of the Realms. Edited by Kim Mohan, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 4, 27. ISBN 978-0-7869-4731-7.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Map: Netheril at its Height included in slade, Jim Butler (October 1996). Netheril: Empire of Magic. Edited by Jim Butler. (TSR, Inc.). ISBN 0-7869-0437-2.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Map: Netheril at the Fall included in slade, Jim Butler (October 1996). Netheril: Empire of Magic. Edited by Jim Butler. (TSR, Inc.). ISBN 0-7869-0437-2.