Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Angrym's Livery was a stable and horse trader in Thentia. It was owned and operated by the ranger Angrym in 1367 DR.[1]


Angrym's was in the south-eastern corner of Thentia, fairly close to the docks.[2]


Angrym's was fully equipped to buy and sell, as well as generally care for and house horses and rarer creatures such as griffons, pegasi, and hippogriffs. It also had the facilities to shoe animals, having its own farrier and blacksmith.[1]

The office had a backroom that was used exclusively by passing rangers and Harpers who needed a place to conduct private business.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 John Terra (January 1995). “Reference Guide”. In Allison Lassieur ed. The Moonsea (TSR, Inc.), p. 42. ISBN 978-0786900923.
  2. John Terra (January 1995). “Reference Guide”. In Allison Lassieur ed. The Moonsea (TSR, Inc.), p. 39. ISBN 978-0786900923.