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Aolis Ildacer was the commander of the N'Vaelahr during the Fall of Myth Drannor.[2]


Aolis born in −90 DR.[1]

In 711 DR, Aolis and his wife Amara Ildacer, both able Akh'Faer officers, after a meeting with the Grand Mage Ualair, Arms-Major Kelvhan Olortynnal, and Councilor Phraan Audark, decided to create the N'Vaelahr, a covert army.[2]

In 712 DR, Aolis devised and supported the Spider's Truce, a secret alliance with the drow of House Dhuurniv in exchange for the drow's possession of the Twisted Tower of Ashaba. Despite being viewed as traitors, the allied Dhuurniv–N'Vaelahr troops fought very well against the Army of Darkness.[3]

However, in MidwinterAlturiak 1 of 713 DR, Aolis fell alongside Matron Mother Laele Dhuurniv, and the Spider Truce was ended.[3] In that battle, Laele killed Aolis from behind but afterward was quickly killed by Amara Ildacer.[4]


Only Aolis and his wife knew the identities of the Councilors that supported the N'Vaelahr.[2]


Aolis gave to all his agents a kiira N'Vaelahr that bound the agent to Aolis and permitted telepathic communication to Aolis or Amara.[5]


