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Arata Matsutomo was a head of the Matsutomo clan and a daimyo of Aru Province in Wa in the early 1600s on the Wa Calendar.[1]


In Wa Year 1608 (1190 DR), the shogun Eiko officially recognized the settlement of Aru and decreed it the capital of the new Aru Province. Choosing the completely loyal Matsutomo clan to lead it, he appointed Arata Matsutomo as its first daimyo; the Matsutomos dutifully relocated to Aru.[1]

Arata served ably for two decades, until Wa Year 1627 (1209 DR), when bandits aided by unidentified supernatural creatures (tengu being one possibility) massacred a large pilgrim train in one of the mountain passes. The shogun reprimanded Arata for this failure of security. The next year, Arata's samurai guarded the next pilgrim train, but they too were attacked and slaughtered to a man. The shogun removed Arata and the Matsutomos from power, passing the province to the Toda clan.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Nigel Findley (1990). Ninja Wars. (TSR, Inc), p. 4. ISBN 0-8803-8895-1.