Queen Arathane was a stormsoul genasi[2][4] and the ruler of Akanûl in 1479 DR.[1]
Arathane was a stunningly beautiful genasi with lavender skin. Unlike other genasi of Abeiran descent, her silvery szuldar lines were almost non-existent.[5]
Arathane was the daughter of Cyndra,[3] and she was also the aunt of Carmenere.[6] As of 1479 DR, she was approaching her fourth decade of life, remaining unmarried, and was besieged by would-be suitors. Arathane was in no hurry to bear a successor, as both her mother and grandmother bore children late in life.[3][7]
Arathane was considered a fair and just ruler by her subjects, and praised publicly for continuing the policies of her mother, although she had a difficult relationship with the nobility and was frequently opposed by the Four Stewards. Queen Arathane was always searching for alternatives to circumvent the "Covenant of Stewardship", such as secretly endorsing and employing the Firestorm Cabal.[3]
Arathane became Queen of Akanûl in 1469 DR, after succeeding her mother, the late Queen Cyndra.[3]
In 1479 DR, Aoth Fezim of the Brotherhood of the Griffon sought out Queen Arathane to convince her to not give her support to Tchazzar in the invasion of Tymanther, however he was unable to convince Queen Arathane to not attack the dragonborn.[5] She changed her opinion later, when Aoth and members of the Firestorm Cabal killed the gray dragon Vairshekellabex.[8]
That same year, she indirectly aided the deva Demascus to deal with Murmur and the cult of the Elder Elemental Eye in Airspur.[9] In Leafall of 1479 DR, Queen Arathane asked Demascus and Riltana to investigate potential trouble at an arambarium mine on Ithimir Isle off the coast of Akanûl.[10] She later went to Ithimir Isle alongside Demasccus, Riltana, Chant and Jaul Morven and fought Chenraya Xorlarrin and her minions. Unfortunately, the drow were able to transmute the arambarium into a staff and escape. The group traveled back to Airspur and entered a portal to the Demonweb Pits in the catacombs just as Chenraya was completing a ritual to open a gate to Menzoberranzan.[11] Demascus interrupted the ritual and grabbed most of the arambarium staff from Chenraya as she entered the gate.[12]
It was rumored that Arathane had a secret on-again-off-again affair with one of the commanders of the Firestorm Cabal, that would endanger both of them if it became public knowledge.[3]
- ↑ Arathane is said to be a windsoul genasi in "Explore Airspur" (Dragon magazine 377), but she is said to be a stormsoul genasi in The Spectral Blaze (chapter 5) and Sword of the Gods (chapter 16). There is the possibility that she has a double manifestation and is both a windsoul and stormsoul genasi.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Bruce R. Cordell, Ed Greenwood, Chris Sims (August 2008). Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide. Edited by Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, et al. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 90. ISBN 978-0-7869-4924-3.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Richard Lee Byers (June 7th, 2011). The Spectral Blaze. (Wizards of the Coast), p. Chapter 5. ISBN 0786957980.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Matthew Sernett (July 2009). “Explore Airspur”. In Chris Youngs ed. Dragon #377 (Wizards of the Coast), p. 62.
- ↑ Bruce R. Cordell (April 2011). Sword of the Gods. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. Chapter 16. ISBN 978-0-7869-5897-9.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Richard Lee Byers (June 7th, 2011). The Spectral Blaze. (Wizards of the Coast), p. Chapter 3. ISBN 0786957980.
- ↑ Bruce R. Cordell (April 2011). Sword of the Gods. (Wizards of the Coast), loc. Chapter 16. ISBN 978-0-7869-5897-9.
- ↑ Bruce R. Cordell (April 2011). Sword of the Gods. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. Dramatis Personae – Other Characters. ISBN 978-0-7869-5739-2.
- ↑ Richard Lee Byers (June 7th, 2011). The Spectral Blaze. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. Chapter 11, Epilogue. ISBN 0786957980.
- ↑ Bruce R. Cordell (April 2011). Sword of the Gods. (Wizards of the Coast). ISBN 978-0-7869-5897-9.
- ↑ Bruce R. Cordell (June 2012). Spinner of Lies. (Wizards of the Coast), loc. 518. ISBN 978-0-7869-5995-2.
- ↑ Bruce R. Cordell (June 2012). Spinner of Lies. (Wizards of the Coast), loc. 3549. ISBN 978-0-7869-5995-2.
- ↑ Bruce R. Cordell (June 2012). Spinner of Lies. (Wizards of the Coast), loc. 3592. ISBN 978-0-7869-5995-2.