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Arik Lorensk was a human barkeeper at the Blood of the Vine tavern in the village of Barovia.[1]


Arik was a short man with a pudgy body. He spoke in a dull, hollow voice,[1] and looked wary.[3]


Arik was quite a quiet man,[3] often ignoring attempts to question him.[1]


At some point in the Blood in the Vine's history, a traveler from late-15th century DR Toril by the name of Volothamp Geddarm came barging into the tavern, having sprinted there on the recommendation of Ezmerelda d'Avenir. While there he struck up a conversation with Arik, who he mistook to be its owner. Arik regaled the man with the layout of the domain Barovia, giving him the names of many notable locations one could find within it. And after Volo informed him that the tavern had been recommended by Ezmerelda, Arik suggested that he seek out a half-elf bard by the name of Rictavio on an island in Lake Baratok.[3]



  1. Curse of Strahd suggests using the statistics of a commoner from the 5th edition Monster Manual for Arik.


