Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Arsonist's oil was a type of magic oil that turned resistance to fire to a vulnerability.[1]

It was then that Swires tossed the oil. It splattered the cambion, and all at once its skin of brilliant carmine dulled to dark, a red like cheap wine, and the fiend vented this sound of anguish I almost pitied, for its very affinity for fire was now undone.
— An excerpt[1]


Arsonist's oil was a white oil, usually packed in round glass containers that could be quickly opened and applied to weapons in the heat of battle or tossed at an enemy with ease.[1]


When a weapon coated with this oil stricken a creature or an object that possessed resistance to heat, flame, and high temperatures, such as a cambion, they immediately lost the protection from that element, becoming vulnerable to fire. The effects of this oil had no effect on those who were immune to fire.[1]


A recipe of this elixir required a mixture of alchemical sublimate of unmelting ice mephit's frosted ears and certain types of ashes.[1]



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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Larian Studios (October 2020). Designed by Swen Vincke, et al. Baldur's Gate III. Larian Studios.