Asterfellon, also known as the Mace of Power, was a magical mace that belonged to Kudgel Delvendoor, a hero who was buried with honors long before the Weeping War in the Elven Catacombs under Castle Cormanthor in Myth Drannor and guarded by dwarven statue golems.[1]
Asterfellon was a light elven-made bludgeoning weapon.[1]
The Mace of Power possessed a powerful +6 enchantment. It also increased the user's wisdom and improved their will, in exchange for reduced dexterity. The user was also able to cast divine power.[1]
Asterfellon along with its master were long entombed by the time Myth Drannor fell in the Weeping War. In 1369 DR, along with a few other tombs of heroes in the depths of the Elven Catacombs, the tomb of Asterfellon's master's final resting place had the Receiver of Respect. It was designed to release the legendary weapon in exchange for another mundane mace in times of dire need.[1]
- Video Games
- Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Stormfront Studios (2001). Designed by Mark Buchignani, Ken Eklund, Sarah W. Stocker. Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. Ubisoft Entertainment.