Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Auntie Unk was a sea hag in the Thunder Cliff Caves in the late 15th century DR. She and her sisters Nana Pocktuss and Granny Muyuk formed a sea hag coven.[1]


Unk loved gossip and was bored with the fanatical Talos cultists she was allied with.[1]


Unk and her sisters ate the edible body parts of drowned sailors and animated the inedible body parts as skull fliers to protect their lair.[1]


The Cult of Talos maintained a base of operations in the Thunder Cliff Caves. The sea hags had come to terms with the cultists and entered into a mutual-protection agreement. In addition, the followers of Talos provided the corpses of sailors who drowned after being shipwrecked on the magical reefs. In return, the coven assisted the cult with specific issues.[1]


Auntie Unk spent a few years in the Mere of Dead Men. She adducted travelers off the High Road and questioned them about news of Waterdeep or Neverwinter before eating them. Unk was the last sea hag to join the coven at the Thunder Cliffs.[1]

Circa 1491 DR, the Thunder Cliff Caves were attacked by a group of adventurers. Their main objective was to defeat the Talos cultists but they also confronted Unk and her sisters.[1]



Storm Lord's Wrath

