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Barcus Wroot was a deep gnome who lived in the city of Baldur's Gate in the late 15th century DR.[1]

The problem is this: a preponderance of evidence that I am a terrible adventurer. I'm not sure I should trust Wulbren's fate to, well, me.
— Barcus.[1]


The svirfneblin wore a leather cuirass fastened by a thin belt.[1]


Barcus was skilled at working with smokepowder and explosives.[1]


He had a good friend named Wulbren, who he feared went missing.[1]


During his journey, Barcus carried with him a large backpack, which unfortunately weighed him down a great deal. He kept within it a parcel of smokepowder.[1]


Barcus' amulet

Barcus holding Wulbren's amulet, which was recovered in the Lower City.

When Barcus dwelt in the Underdark, he bestowed an amulet upon his good friend who planned to explore the surface world. Years later, during or before the Year of Three Ships Sailing, 1492 DR, Barcus himself left the Underdark for the surface city of Baldur's Gate.[1]

While in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate, Barcus found Wulbren's amulet, which was covered in blood. He was however, unable to find his friend. Wroot continued to search the Western Heartlands.. He planned to head back to the Underdark to his friend's home, should his search be unsuccessful.[1]

Barcus traveled slowly in his search across the Heartlands, weighed down by the supplies he carried in his heavy backpack. He was eventually captured by Fezzerk and his band of goblin raiders, which was associated the Cult of the Absolute. They strapped the deep gnome to a functioning windmill in the village of Moonhaven. Barcus demanded to be cut loose from the quickly rotating machine.[1]



Video Games
Baldur's Gate III


External Links[]

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Companions and Followers in Baldur's Gate III
FlorrickGlutHalsinHopeLosiirOmeluumSazzaUlder RavengardUsZanner Toobin
Camp Followers
AlfiraArabellaAylinBarcus WrootElminsterThe EmperorGrubIsobel ThormMizoraOathbreaker Knightowlbear cubQuil GrootslangRaphaelSceleritas FelScratchTaraThanielUlder RavengardVolothamp GeddarmWithersYenna
Eldra LuthrinnBrinna BrightsongZenith Feur'selDantonVaranna SunblossomSina'zithKerzVer'yll WenkiirMaddala DeadeyeJacelynKree DerryckFuzzalump