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Bards were versatile arcane spellcasters, capable in combat, art, and magic alike. Bards practiced magic as they would art or song, using their artistic talents to induce magical effects that either bolstered their allies or hindered their enemies, typically through charms and illusions. In addition to their magical skills, bards were artistically talented and extraordinarily well-learned, possessing knowledge in a wide range of fields.[9] Bards were among the most versatile of adventurers, capable of learning from practically any trade.[10]

I've been a bard long enough to know the three main rules of the entertainer. Don't turn your back on your audience. Don't upstage the act that follows. Always leave the audience wanting more.
— Joel the Rebel Bard[11]


Stupid bards. Half the crowd always loves their songs, and the other half hates them. No better way to start a fight than to let a musician sing.
— Xaphira Matrell of Arrabar[12]

Both literally and figuratively enchanting, bards drew upon, more than perhaps any other profession, the works of all who'd come before them. Storytellers, musicians, enchanters, dancers, and lorekeepers, bards were prone to wanderlust, traveling from one place to another in search of new lore or perhaps in the hopes of spreading what they already knew.[13] Some came into the services of others as ambassadors or spies, but most bards preferred the freedom of mobility and living by one's whims,[14] though this was not without exception[15] and most bards acquired their skills as a result of training under previous bards, drawing upon ancient traditions of lore and arcane magic.[14]

Bards had a reputation for being joyful and inspiring, though as with every skill their ability to charm and inspire had a darker side. Evil bards were manipulative and cunning, twisting the hearts of others either through magic or sheer charisma. Most bards, though, regardless of their individual morals, held a strong distaste for blatant violence, at least when it could be avoided. To a bard the joys of life were in seeking knowledge or, better yet, witnessing the discovery of such knowledge firsthand. For this reason many bards were drawn to the adventuring lifestyle, hoping to witness the weaving of new tales firsthand - or perhaps even to instigate them.[14]

Bards were common throughout Toril, appearing most commonly in the Dalelands and North Faerûn, though they could also be found in large numbers in as diverse locations as Chult or Vaasa. Some of the world's greatest magical and adventuring traditions were propped up and supported by bards. The most notable of these, the Harpers, held a large numbers of bards within their ranks.[16]

Neverwinter bard

A valiant bard who just emerged victorious in a brawl.

The most common bards were humans and elves, as well as half-elves to a lesser extent, the latter two drawing upon the ancient magical and musical traditions of the elves to their benefit. On the other hand, few half-orcs, orcs, or goblinoids became bards, their ancient traditions less befitting the bard's lifestyle. Nor, for that matter, were dwarven,[14] except for gold dwarves, though halfling[16] and gnomish bards were. Of all the races, half-elves, with their unusual combination of endurance and charm, were considered to have the best natural capability for a bard's lifestyle, though gnomes and tieflings also made excellent bards.[15]

Bards typically got along well with non-bards, in no small part due to their versatility and charm. In parties of adventurers most bards served as spokesmen of sorts, due to their affinity for social interaction and skill at enchantment. Bards clashed with few people, having a little bit of something to offer just about anyone.[14]

Bards were drawn most often to the worship of gods of magic, such as Corellon, Selûne, or others. Good bards sometimes worshiped Bahamut or Moradin. Less moralistic bards were instead sometimes drawn to the worship of Lolth, Tiamat, or Zehir.[15]


All folk laugh from time to time, and none can say for sure what will unleash a man's mirth. Ye may have a gift to call up laughter. Good; but mind ye never try to amuse a mage. Why not? Well, just bridle thy tongue and take a good look at what makes them laugh. Do ye want to try such things?
— Zanshareen Sabiyryn, A Sage's Travel Guide to The North[17]

Bards were among the most versatile of adventurers. While not necessarily as tough as a fighter, as skilled as a rogue, or as intelligent as a wizard, bards were widely capable in a number of different situations and were widely recognized as a sort of "jack-of-all-trades."[18] For instance, bards were better trained in weaponry than all other arcane spellcasters (including swordmages) trained in the use of all simple weapons, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, and hand crossbows.[19] Additionally, some bards exhibited proficiency in scimitars and martial ranged weapons as well.[20] Similarly, bards were naturally knowledgeable and had an uncanny ability for improvisation and trying new things. But unlike fighters or rogues, who might be similarly proficient, bards were capable of casting rituals and spells, including those normally only used by other spellcasters.[21]

Bards of all kinds learned to inspire virtue and ability in those around them. Exactly how frequently a bard could do this depended partially upon their strength of personality as well as their level of experience.[21] Some bards used their inspirational power to boost their allies' cunning or reflexes, while others inspired and furthered the courage and valor in those with whom they fought.[22] In addition to this, experienced bards could also counteract the effects of spells designed to charm or frighten, providing magical aid to their allies.[18] Similarly, bards, through their music and arts, could soothe the nerves of their allies and, through their magic, heal their wounds and bolster their spirits, either at rest or in combat.[22]

Bards were, as a general rule, uncannily skilled advocates and diplomats. For many bards this was a result of their typically high charisma but some bards - including those who were less charming - could boost their persuasive power through magic. They did this by actually enchanting the very words they speak, making them sound even more persuasive and compelling than they would normally.[22]

Like other spellcasters, bards usually used implements to increase the effectiveness of their spells[15] or to subsitute for their material cost.[23] Some bards used wands for this purpose, wielding them like a conductor's baton. Others use more specialized implements such as songblades.[15] Most however used a musical instrument, enchanted or mundane, focusing their magic through music.[19] Many bards particularly treasured this latter method[15] and believed their music tapped into the Words of Creation themselves, sprinkling song and story with echoes of the universe's beginnings.[9]

Bard Colleges[]

Bard playing lute-5e

A bard playing a lute.

Eager to learn and often fond of company, most bards organized themselves into loosely bound fellowships known as colleges, which helped to preserve each bard's individual knowledge and pass them on to others.[18]

College of Glamour[]

Main article: College of Glamour

Some bards preferred to hone their craft not by the masters singers and storytellers of Faerûn, but rather studied at the feet (or hooves) of fey beings. They learned how to bewitch and entrance others with the magic of the Feywild. They were often viewed with an interesting combination of wonder and some fright by the common folk, but their performances were considered among the most magnificent. The eloquence with which they shared stories or performed recitations was legendary in its ability to win over allies and influence the minds of even the most formidable beings of the Realms.[24][25]

Bards of the College of Glamour performed songs whose lyrics and melodies were imbued with fey magic. They could be used to take on wondrous appearances, that inspired their allies to perform great feats in battle, or seduce listeners with otherworldly allure. The most experienced of bards could appear as majestic ferocious as the fey themselves, influencing the minds of bystanders and turning enemies away from their glory.[24]

College of Lore[]

Main article: College of Lore

Given all bards' love of learning it is little surprise that some bards prioritized it during their training. Bards belong to the College of Lore, also known as cunning bards,[22] collected bits of knowledge from every place they can find,[26] be it academic writings or folk tales, gathering in universities and local festivals alike in their pursuit of lore. Bards of this tradition weaved what tales and trivia they found into their stories and songs to entertain, as well as to illuminate that which they hold to be important. Uncompromising in their views, College of Lore bards' first loyalty was to the truth, which made them valuable (if occasionally brazen) advisers.[18]

Cunning bards preferred a path of trickery and cunning, using charm and intellect together to overcome obstacles. As a result, while cunning bards were as charming as most other bards, they placed less of an emphasis on vitality and more of one on intellectual pursuits.[22] Witty with insults and distracting barbs, bards from the College of Lore were capable of whittling the confidence of their opponents, reducing their effectiveness in various acts of skill or combat. Proficient in a greater number of skills than most bards, College of Lore bards were also uncommonly capable in those same skills and experienced bards of the tradition were rarely completely ineffectual at any given task.[27]

In addition to their peerless skill, bards from the College of Lore were also versatile spellcasters, capable of learning or imitating even more spells than a typical bard.[28] Many cunning bards preferred using wands as implements to cast ranged spells and nearly all had training as tacticians, coordinating their allies in the midst of a battle.[22] Cunning bards sometimes also trained to become summer rhymers.[29]

College of Swords[]

Main article: Blade (class)

College of Swords bards, also known as blades, were skilled combatants that embodied flamboyant grace and deadliness in all of their performances.[30] They often held dual-lives, working as public entertainers while simultaneously (or later in life) serving as hired killers or mercenaries. Their skill with bladed weapons were unequaled in either respect.[31]

Bards from the College of Swords performed certain moves, referred to as 'spins'[31] or 'flourishes' in combat.[30] These daring and risky actions allowed them to better deflect incoming attacks,[31] inflicted more lethal damage, gain tactical advantage against their foes,[30] or incite terror in their hearts.[31] They preferred to wear only minimal armor, and only wielded one-handed bladed weapons, such as scimitars.[30]

College of Valor[]

Valor Singer AFR

A tiefling bard singing a song of valor.

Main article: Skald

College of Valor bards, also known as skalds,[28] or valorous bards, were daring adventurers, who preferred to emulate the heroes they heard and learned of than to merely sing of them.[22] Frequently found in mead halls or other gatherings of warriors, skalds hoped to witness heroic deeds firsthand so they may inspire future generations to similar heights.[28] Believing that the heart should come before the mind, valorous bards were often great leaders, inspiring others to acts of heroism as legends inspired them.[22]

Proficient in a greater number of weapons and armor than typical bards, bards from the College of Valor were also exceptionally skilled as warriors, capable of attacking more frequently and casting spells at the same time.[28] A valorous bard might have neglected their intelligence to some small degree (though most of the tradition were still cunning) but they remained capable leaders while also improving their own durability. Many valorous bards preferred the use of short ranged spells and wielded swords as their weapon of choice.[22] Valorous bards often make capable war chanters.[32]

College of Whispers[]

Main article: College of Whispers

Members of the College of Whispers served as spies and information brokers in the places of great importance across the Realms. They eschewed the fame and public adoration sought by many other bards, preferring secretive lives that were spent assuming the identities of others. Not many bards of strong moral standing joined the College of Whispers. Fortunately they were not the right individuals required to develop the skills needed to thrive and even survive the lifestyle of this bardic college. They mastered subtlety, self-discipline, and temperance when influencing the powers-at-be.[33]

These bards developed skills to assume the identities of anyone whose deaths they had witnessed. If forced out into the open and into a fight, they could strike at minds of their opponents just as their blade pierced their flesh. The most experienced of their ranks could even gain some control over someone's mind at the mere utterance of an otherwise mundane phrase.[33]


Bardic Colleges[]

Bard AFR

Incontrovertible evidence that bards do read books. Picture books count, right?

Main article: Bardic college
Some think that since he's a bard, he must be a Harper. Hrmmph – I'm a bard, and I'm not a Harper.
— Adamar Session[34]

In addition to the loose associations of bard colleges, which ensured that knowledge passed on from master to apprentice, bards of the Realms built organized learning institutions for masters to teach students on the bardic arts. These institutions were called bardic colleges and were present during a number of periods in different places of Faerûn.[35]

The oldest known bardic colleges were the seven elder colleges of Fochlucan, Mac-Fuirmidh, Doss, Canaith, Cli, Anstruth, and Ollamh, believed to be founded by the legendary bard Falataer from the Moonshae Isles originally as a single college divided in seven levels of skill. The seven Instruments of the Bards were named after each of these ancient colleges.[35][36]

By the 1480s DR, only two of the elder colleges were still active: the college of Fochlucan in Silverymoon, which was revived by the bard Forell Luekuan with help from the Harpers, and the college of New Olamn in Waterdeep, established in 1366 DR after the old college of Ollamh. Bards across the Realms dreamed of restoring the other ancient colleges as well.[35]

Other known bardic colleges included the College of the Herald within Herald's Holdfast and the Academia Vilhonus in Turmish, among others.[35][37]

Notable Bards[]



Video Games
Baldur's Gate seriesIcewind Dale seriesNeverwinter Nights series


External Links[]

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  1. Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, Rob Heinsoo (June 2001). Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 7. ISBN 0-7869-1836-5.
  2. Jeff Grubb and Ed Greenwood (1990). Forgotten Realms Adventures. (TSR, Inc). ISBN 0-8803-8828-5.
  3. Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford (2014). Player's Handbook 5th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 51–55. ISBN 978-0-7869-6560-1.
  4. Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls, Robert J. Schwalb, Adam Lee, Christopher Perkins, Matt Sernett (November 2017). Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Edited by Kim Mohan. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 12–16. ISBN 978-0-7869-6612-7.
  5. Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls, James Wyatt (March 2009). Player's Handbook 2. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 66–68. ISBN 0-7869-5016-4.
  6. Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams (July 2003). Player's Handbook v.3.5. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 26–30. ISBN 0-7869-2886-7.
  7. David "Zeb" Cook (April 1995). Player's Handbook 2nd edition (revised). (TSR, Inc.), pp. 58–61. ISBN 0-7869-0329-5.
  8. Gary Gygax (1978). Players Handbook 1st edition. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 117–119. ISBN 0-9356-9601-6.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford (2014). Player's Handbook 5th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 51. ISBN 978-0-7869-6560-1.
  10. Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls, James Wyatt (March 2009). Player's Handbook 2. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 66–67. ISBN 0-7869-5016-4.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Kate Novak, Jeff Grubb (December 1997). Tymora's Luck. (TSR, Inc.), chap. 2, p. 13. ISBN 0-7869-0726-6.
  12. Thomas M. Reid (November 2004). The Ruby Guardian. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 2, p. 33. ISBN 0-7689-3382-8.
  13. Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford (2014). Player's Handbook 5th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 51–52. ISBN 978-0-7869-6560-1.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams (August 2000). Player's Handbook 3rd edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 26. ISBN 0-7869-1551-4.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls, James Wyatt (March 2009). Player's Handbook 2. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 67. ISBN 0-7869-5016-4.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, Rob Heinsoo (June 2001). Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 22. ISBN 0-7869-1836-5.
  17. Ed Greenwood (June 2000). “The New Adventures of Volo: Quotations of the Realms”. In Dave Gross ed. Dragon #272 (Wizards of the Coast), p. 96.
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford (2014). Player's Handbook 5th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 54. ISBN 978-0-7869-6560-1.
  19. 19.0 19.1 Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford (2014). Player's Handbook 5th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 52. ISBN 978-0-7869-6560-1.
  20. Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls, James Wyatt (March 2009). Player's Handbook 2. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 66. ISBN 0-7869-5016-4.
  21. 21.0 21.1 Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford (2014). Player's Handbook 5th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 53–54. ISBN 978-0-7869-6560-1.
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 22.7 22.8 Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls, James Wyatt (March 2009). Player's Handbook 2. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 67–68. ISBN 0-7869-5016-4.
  23. Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford (2014). Player's Handbook 5th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 203. ISBN 978-0-7869-6560-1.
  24. 24.0 24.1 Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls, Robert J. Schwalb, Adam Lee, Christopher Perkins, Matt Sernett (November 2017). Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Edited by Kim Mohan. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 14. ISBN 978-0-7869-6612-7.
  25. Jerry Holkins, Elyssa Grant, Scott Fitzgerald Gray (June 18, 2019). Acquisitions Incorporated. Edited by Scott Fitzgerald Gray. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 55. ISBN 978-0786966905.
  26. Jeremy Crawford (September 2019). “Rulebook”. Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Kit (Wizards of the Coast), p. 13. ISBN 978-0-7869-6683-7.
  27. Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford (2014). Player's Handbook 5th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 54–55. ISBN 978-0-7869-6560-1.
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford (2014). Player's Handbook 5th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 55. ISBN 978-0-7869-6560-1.
  29. Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls, James Wyatt (March 2009). Player's Handbook 2. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 79. ISBN 0-7869-5016-4.
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls, Robert J. Schwalb, Adam Lee, Christopher Perkins, Matt Sernett (November 2017). Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Edited by Kim Mohan. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 15–16. ISBN 978-0-7869-6612-7.
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 Blake Mobley (1992). The Complete Bard's Handbook. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 19–21. ISBN 1-56076-360-4.
  32. Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls, James Wyatt (March 2009). Player's Handbook 2. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 81. ISBN 0-7869-5016-4.
  33. 33.0 33.1 Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls, Robert J. Schwalb, Adam Lee, Christopher Perkins, Matt Sernett (November 2017). Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Edited by Kim Mohan. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 16. ISBN 978-0-7869-6612-7.
  34. Jim Butler (1996). The Vilhon Reach (Player's Guide). (TSR, Inc), p. 6. ISBN 0-7869-0400-3.
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 Steve Kenson, et al. (November 2015). Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. Edited by Kim Mohan. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 122–124. ISBN 978-0-7869-6580-9.
  36. Sean K. Reynolds, Duane Maxwell, Angel McCoy (August 2001). Magic of Faerûn. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 160–161. ISBN 0-7869-1964-7.
  37. Brian R. James, Ed Greenwood (September 2007). The Grand History of the Realms. Edited by Kim Mohan, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 69. ISBN 978-0-7869-4731-7.
  38. Christopher Perkins, James Haeck, James Introcaso, Adam Lee, Matthew Sernett (September 2018). Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. Edited by Jeremy Crawford. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 198–199. ISBN 978-0-7869-6625-7.
  39. BioWare, Floodgate Entertainment (June 2003). Designed by Brent Knowles, Rick Ernst. Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide. Atari.
  40. BioWare (December 2003). Designed by Brent Knowles. Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark. Atari.
  41. Eric L. Boyd (September 1997). Powers & Pantheons. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 14–16. ISBN 978-0786906574.
  42. Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, Rob Heinsoo (June 2001). Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 188. ISBN 0-7869-1836-5.
  43. Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, Rob Heinsoo (June 2001). Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 280. ISBN 0-7869-1836-5.


Core Classes
ArdentArtificerAvengerBarbarianBardBattlemindBushiClericDivine soulDruidFighterMonkPaladinPsionRangerRogueRunepriestSamuraiSeekerShamanSorcererSpellscarredSwordmageWarlockWarlordWizard