Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Beholder language or simply beholder was the language spoken by the many-eyed monsters of the same name, as well as beholderkin. Regardless of any language they knew (most spoke Common so as to interrogate captives), beholders found any tongue but their own crude and denigrating to speak, as if doing so was to acknowledge the intelligence and creativity of other species.[1]


The beholder language was difficult for most humanoids to understand and speak, but not impossible. It was a guttural tongue with much lip-smacking, gurgling, and slobbering, a long conversation between two beholders (assuming they didn't immediately try to kill each other) quickly covering their surroundings with spit.[1]

Beholder names

Beholders normally named themselves within the first year of their lives,[1] picking out sounds and syllables that had meaning and importance to them and piecing them together.[2] Their names were long and complicated, and pronouncing them produced much saliva. Beholders that could allow themselves to dwell in humanoid settlements, establishing themselves as the unseen leaders for guilds of lesser beings, adopted more easily pronounceable names in their minions' language.[1]

Chosen names
  • Barixis, Blorghathus, Chelm, Derukoskai, Eddalx, Famax, Gazriktak, Irixis, Irv, Ixahinon, Jantroph, Khoa, Khuxristul, Kreskalat, Lanuhsh, Murlbalbluthk, Nagish, Orox Qeqtoxii, Qualnus, Ralakor, Selthdrych, Sespetoxri, Sikrewxes, Sokhalsh, Thimnoll, Velxer, Vhalantru, Xanathar, Xeo, Zalshox, Zirlarq, Zommist, Zulnethrak[1][2]
  • Cinderglare, Eyebiter, Gobblegut, Manglecramps, Orbius, and Slatherjaw[1]


The beholder language had no word for the name of their species, nor did eye tyrants truly recognize the term "beholder" as anything more than the assigned label of inferior creatures.[1] They universally believed themselves to be unique entities, and perceived the idea of belonging to beholder "race", revolting, although other beholders could theoretically be "correct", acceptable variations on their one true form.[1][3] In the rare situations where a beholder befriended another, they normally called the other by its own name, perhaps the greatest form of respect they could show.[1]


The suffix -hurr or -urr indicated an illness. The suffix -rakk or -akk indicated a temporary condition, and could apply to something such as the weather.[4]


