Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Belisarius is a powerful mage, who resides in Carradoon, at the foot of the Snowflake Mountains.


The mage has bushy brows and a similarly bushy, graying beard and wears a floppy, woolen cap atop his wiry stature[1].


Belisarius prefers a life in solitude, tending with hermitlike devotion to his magical studies[2] in order to perfect his craft.


Belisarius uses his magic primarily for illusionary dweomers[3], which he is quite adept at.

He can detect magical eminations from objects and discern their magical abilities[4]. One of his other talents is to enchant objects such as weapons bestowing them for example with greater distructive qualities, as he once did with Cadderly Bonaduces walking stick[5].

Belisarius' Tower[]

The mage's tower stands on a round, steep-sided hillock, southwest of Carradoon[6]. Like every eccentric wizard, Belisarius created some "inconveniences" for any trespasser or possible guest.

The Missing Stairway[]

There are no obvious stairs that would allow an easy climb of the steep sides of the hill. If the mage is at home and awaiting the advancing person, one can be lucky to find a section of the hill transforming from unremarkable grass to a stone stairway with flat and even steps[6]. The steps never appear on the same spot on the hillock[3].

The Missing Door[]

Though a cobble-stone walkway encircles the tower, one can be searching an amount of time until the iron-bound door suddenly reveals itself and swings open[3].

The Labyrinth[]

Any visitor requesting an audience with Belisarius, has to find his way up to the tower's audience room by him- or herself - through an ever changing maze of guarded corridors, stairways and doors, where nothing has to be as it appears.[7]

