Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Bellows root was a common forest plant that possessed emetic properties used in medicine and was found in the Wood of Sharp Teeth in the Western Heartlands.[1]


Bellows root could be crushed and drunk in a tea in order to provoke vomiting in the imbiber, human and dragon alike. Bellows root looked similar to another plant, maiden's milk, which possessed antitussive properties.[1]


Long before the Year of the Griffon, 1312 DR, bellows root became a part of history when the logging camp of Hornhollow at the edge of the Wood of Sharp Teeth was visited by a senile red dragon, Craum Straug, whose dire cough lit the settlement ablaze. A traveling minstrel, Aznee Fraystrings, was tasked with removing the dragon and thought that he could prepare maiden's milk tea to help the wyrm like it helped his elderly uncle once. Aznee, however, made a mistake and made a bellows root tea instead, causing the dragon to vomit the tea out along with his draconic flame breath, incinerating the minstrel instantly. This vomiting fit eventually killed the geriatric dragon.[1]



Video Games
Referenced only
Icewind Dale II

