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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Belts of agility were enchanted belts, famously used in the rivalry between thieves' guilds of Waterdeep sometime before the late 14th century DR.[1]


Belts of agility were created with various enchantment strengths to the wearer's dexterity. Additionally, these enchanted belts protected its wearers from restraining magic spells and effects similar to the freedom of movement spell.[1]


Belts of agility entered heavy circulation sometime before the late 14th century DR as a result of a relentless thieves' guild ears in Waterdeep. The conflict began with Ronger Delphos, a wealthy merchant, creating an anti-thieves' guild employing many ex-thieves. These new members became the security experts armed with the wands of hold person to capture the members of the Thieves' Guild alive for interrogation. To counteract the wands, the Shadow Thieves guild procured the belts of agility. The war between the guilds escalated, bringing many of these enchanted belts to merchants, pawnshops, and rogue equipment shops.[1]

By 1372 DR, the belts of agility became quite common commodity in the Sword Coast, including the cities of Neverwinter[1], and Daggerford.[4]

Notable Owners[]

  • Stran, a shady rogue black market trader from Daggerford, circa 1372 DR.[4]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights series (Neverwinter NightsNeverwinter Nights: Hordes of the UnderdarkNeverwinter Nights 2Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of ZehirNeverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of WestgateNeverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford)

