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The Beutaleen'dals were a noble moon elf family of the city of Loudwater in the Delimbiyr Vale in the mid-to-late 14th century DR.[1]


On the third Night of the Blood Moon in the Year of the Gauntlet, 1369 DR, when Malarite lycanthropes attacked Loudwater, Stedd Rein saved the life of Ovendal, the new matriarch of the Beutaleen'dal family.[1] This act earned the Rein family the support of the Beutaleen'dals in the years after, whereas they and the other elven families had previously opposed the Reins in all matters.[1][2][3]

Some time after Shieldmeet in the summer of the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR, Beutaleen'dals tried to recruit adventurers for an expedition into the Fallen Lands. They sought to recover a lost family heirloom.[4][note 1]

Notable Members[]

  • Ovendal Beutaleen'dal, matriarch circa 1369 DR to 1372 DR[1]
  • Rendonil Beutaleen'dal[5]
  • Bialis Beutaleen'dal, nephew of Ovendal[2]



  1. The Beutaleen'dals' expedition would likely have been detailed in the unreleased adventure Into the Fallen Lands.


Organized Play & Licensed Adventures
Into the Fallen Lands (unreleased) • A Difference of OpinionThe Howling of a Mighty Storm

