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Beware the Lizard Marsh! was a book in the series of expedition retellings of the renowned group of crack adventurers led by Emythene Faldree, published sometime before 1372 DR.[1]


Beware the Lizard Marsh! was narrated in the first person by Emythene Faldree herself. She opened the book with general information about the Lizard Marsh located to the west of Daggerford and inhabited by lizardfolk. The scaly marsh dwellers were a constant danger to the town, the Trade Way, and the farming communities outside Daggerford's walls. The book retold the story of how the name of the city came from a dagger wielded by a boy against a horde of lizardfolk on the banks of the Delimbiyr River ford many centuries before. Emythene closed the opening chapter with a claim of many undiscovered mysteries of the Lizard Marsh. The rest of the book was written as a daily recount of the adventurers' expedition through the marsh.[1]

On day 3, the group encountered local lizardfolk as they tested the adventurers' defenses and continued shadowing them from a distance and from beneath the swamp's murky waters.[1]

On day 4, a young black dragon attacked the group and killed one of the porters but eventually was downed by their many arrows. The adventurers collected the dragon youth's teeth as souvenirs.[1]

On day 6, they lost one of the group, a man named Durns. He was bitten by a tiny but extremely poisonous snake that slithered unnoticed until it was too late. The expedition missed the man and his jovial personality in the following nights.[1]

Day 7 was punctuated by more lizardfolk attacks and cost the party three good hired guards. One of the killed guards was named Ignatious. Emythene believed that the attacks were meant to wear the expedition down which, as well as the swamp itself, wore down their morale significantly.[1]

On day 9, the lizardfolk seemed to fall back from the expedition's trail but the group came across an even bigger threat, a terrifying 15‑foot-long (4.6‑meter) giant snapping turtle. The creature killed four members of the expedition but eventually was slain. Emythene felt pity over having to leave the creature's treasured shell behind as it was too big to carry along.[1]

On the 10th day of the expedition, the last porter was taken in the night by a dark creature with huge leathery wings, leaving only four members of the expedition alive.[1]

The expedition's guide ran from the group, abandoning them to their fate on day 11.[1]

By day 12, the surviving members of the expedition—Emythene Faldree, Maltan, and Kegrunt—concluded the adventure was over and headed back to the safety of Daggerford, navigating using the sun and stars, just like they did back during their search for the Isle of Mists adventure.[1]

The author's final words were a warning: "Beware the Lizard Marsh!".[1]


In late 14th century DR, Beware the Lizard Marsh! could be found in various locations, most notably inside the library of Sorceller's Encapsulate in Daggerford.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford

