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Blast scepters, also known as Netherese blast scepters,[2] were rare offensive magic items from lost Netheril.[1][6]


These items were metal rods the size of a wand. Ornamental knobs were found at either end.[1]

They were self-identifying in nature.[4]


The magic of a blast scepter was controlled by the silent will of whoever held it. This item would not function while being held by more than one person. Each of the scepter's powers took about ten minutes for the user to master.[6] They could also be used as an arcane spell focus.[5]

A blast scepter would absorb the energy from all natural and magical electrical and heat attacks directed at its wielder. This occurred without any control from the wielder and did not consume one of the item's charges. The scepter would also automatically shield the wielder by reflecting the force of any explosions, preventing them from being knocked over or stunned. This protection did not extend to debris created by an explosion.[6] The scepter also completely protected the wielder from fire and lightning[4][3]

Offensive Powers[]

Touching a target with the blast scepter would stun them similar to the power word, stun spell for one minute. This power expended a single charge.[6]

Expending two charges would create a shock wave that would stun targets within a cone up to 30 feet (9.1 meters) distant. In addition to causing physical harm and breaking some carried objects, the shock wave would knock targets off of their feet.[6][3]

Once per day a blast scepter could be used to powerstrike a touched opponent at the cost of five charges. This powerstrike would cause a great deal of physical harm to the target.[6][3]

Newly-crafted scepters held 50 charges,[4] while others had between 5–60 charges.[6] Most scepters found during the Era of Upheaval had only between one to 10 charges.[4] Only a handful of people retained the knowledge of how to properly recharge them.[6]

Notable Owners[]



