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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Blustich was a small hamlet in southern Cormyr on the edge of the Hermit's Wood and the west bank of the Wyvernflow.[1]


The villagers of Blustich spent most of their time hunting, fishing, and farming. They were known for their skill at windraising dances where they could summon winds strong enough to blow the nuts off hickory trees, that they then gathered up in baskets.[1]

These dances used log drums and gourd rattles as instrumental accompaniment. Some were of the opinion that this apparent success at weather control had more to do with knowledge of the natural wind currents from the Lake of Dragons, rather than a "divine response to bad music".[2]

The villagers harvested local mushrooms such as uttercaps, khondyn, and thoud. These mushrooms were prolific around Blustich but rare elsewhere.[3]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ed Greenwood (July 1995). Volo's Guide to Cormyr. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 77–78. ISBN 0-7869-0151-9.
  2. James Butler, Elizabeth T. Danforth, Jean Rabe (September 1994). “The Settled Lands”. In Karen S. Boomgarden ed. Elminster's Ecologies (TSR, Inc), p. 9. ISBN 1-5607-6917-3.
  3. Ed Greenwood (2020-10-03). Mushrooms of Blustich (Tweet). theedverse. Twitter. Retrieved on 2023-05-24.