Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Boots of striding and springing were a pair of magical boots that allowed the wearer to potentially become faster, and jump further.[3]


Boots of striding and springing were blessed by Shaundakul as a part of their creation. There existed many varieties of these boots as each priest and crafter created fairly unique versions of these boots.[1]

The wearer of some of the boots had their movement speed increased to 5 ft (1.5 m) per second, unless it was higher, in which case it did not change their speed.[3]

Those who wore these boots would not feel burdened by carrying a large amount of weight, including heavy armor. As well as this, the wearer could jump triple their standard distance.[3]

Some boots of striding did not affect the wearer's speed, but made the travel much easier and pleasant by improving wearer's constitution and making them more resilient.[1]


In 1491 DR, Tharden Rockseeker, a dwarf explorer, wore such boots whilst camped in the Wave Echo Cave. He, however, was killed by Nezznar, and his brother was taken hostage.[3]

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