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Bowser was a passionate dwarvish "alesmith" from the city of Ravens Bluff in mid-to-late 14th century DR, who sought to create perfect ale.[1]


Bowser was a highly intelligent man who could talk about his alecraft all day, every day. He was 3 ft 9 in (1.1 m).[1]


Apart from his brewing work, Bowser was a capable thief and a fighter, who wielded a battle axe in battle.[1]

By 1370 DR, Bowser developed twelve varieties of ale:[1] Appleberry Ale (made with apples and strawberries), Blueberry Ale (blueberries and hops), Herb Ale, (a hundred different herbs), Gopher Ale (prepared by dyrrying it underground), Corn and Wheat Ale (not surprisingly made with corn and wheat), Grandmother's Ale (fermented for an entire year), Abyssmal Ale (made with abyssmal ant "milk"), Honey Wheat Ale (deep red in color made with honey), Seaweed Ale (made with seaweed), Deadman's Ale (did not actually kill anyone), Crystal Ale (fermented with enchanted crystals), and Rock Strained Ale (made by straining the brew through rocks).[3]


In the Year of the Unstrung Harp, 1371 DR, Bowser attended the year-end celebration festival in the town of Mossbridges in the Vast. The alesmith took his first attempt at winemaking – Dark Maiden Wine, to the wine-tasting and grading competition. Even though the completion rules dictated Bowser could only bring one variety of wine, they said nothing about ale, so the dwarf brought all twelve types of ales of his making.[1]



Organized Play & Licensed Adventures

The Dark Maiden's Price • Lord of the Grapes


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Daniel S. Donnelly (December 1999). Lord of the Grapes. Living City (RPGA), pp. 18–19.
  2. Template:Cite organized play/LC/The Dark Maiden's Price
  3. Template:Cite organized play/LC/The Dark Maiden's Price