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Bromm was, together with his twin brother Harnoth, one of the Twin Kings of Citadel Adbar in the Silver Marches in the late 15th century DR. They were the sons of the famous Harbromm.[1]


During the orc and drow invasion in the War of the Silver Marches in the Year of the Awakened Sleepers, 1484 DR, Bromm and his brother were tricked by the half-drow Doum'wielle Armgo when she posed as an envoy of the Moonwood. Bromm and a dwarf army were led to an ambush where all the dwarves were killed and the white dragon Arauthator, ridden by Tiago Baenre, slew Bromm with its cold breath.[2]



Novels & Short Stories


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 R.A. Salvatore (September 2014). Rise of the King. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 0, pp. 1–2. ISBN 0-7869-6515-0.
  2. 2.0 2.1 R.A. Salvatore (September 2014). Rise of the King. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 3, pp. 41–50. ISBN 0-7869-6515-0.