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Bury Elminster Deep is the second novel in the Sage of Shadowdale series by Ed Greenwood. It begins soon after the end of the events in Elminster Must Die.

Elminster's archenemy, the vampiric Lord Manshoon, thinks he has destroyed Elminster at last. But Elminster survives in the form of magical ash, and with the help of his scion, a fop who is growing into a true nobleman, and his longtime companion Storm, he still has a chance to counter Manshoon's insidious plots.


The goddess Mystra, thought destroyed nearly a century ago, has revealed herself to her favored servant Elminster. The Sage of Shadowdale is trapped within the mind of one of his descendents - a coinlass named Amarune, after being defeated by his longtime rival Manshoon. Amarune/Elminster has been charged by the goddess with finding new, trustworthy servants willing to do the bidding of the mistress of magic. Storm Silverhand and Amarune's lover, Lord Arclath Delcastle, escort them to do just that, despite their many misgivings about Elminster's presence in the innocent woman's mind.

Meanwhile, thinking himself finally rid of Elminster's meddling for good, Manshoon embarks on a plot to assassinate several royals and nobles of Cormyr, in order to crown himself that realm's Emperor.


Adarl SummerstarAereldAlusair ObarskyrAmarune WhitewaveAmbrival (Lord)Arclath DelcastleAzoun Obarskyr IVBaert GhalhuntBerent ThallowoodBrabrasBrandaerilBrorn RorilBraelbane (Lord)Broryn WindstagBurrathBurtlandCalantar (Lord)Caldor RaventreeClarnCorladror SilverswordCorleth FentableCymmarraDaerendygho VrabrantDanthalus BlacksilverDarlethra GreatgauntDeleira TruesilverDelasko SornsternEldur HawkmantleEllard GaunturElminsterForil Obarskyr IGanrahastGlathra BarcantleGorloun HethelHarkuldragon (Lord)Baern HarbrowIlstan NarbraceImglor IronhandImmaero SraunterIrlin StonestableIrvel ObarskyrJalessa WindstoneJephfordJoreld NurennanthurKormorothKreskur MountwyrmLandrar DathcloakeLangreth IronhornLarak DardulkynLathlance GoldfeatherLauncelLyrannus TantornMandron SaldarManshoonMarantine DelcastleMarlin StormserpentMelder CrownroodMellast OrmbladeMirtMontror BareldurMorligul DowndaggerMulcaster EmmaraskMystraMythandraNaeryk AndolphynNarmitra StormserpentNechelseiya SammartaelNeldObraerl FoulweatherOlgarth OldbridleOsburRaeldarReldyk ApplecrownRelgadrar LorounRelve LangralRorlyn HandmaneRorn (Suzail)Rorskryn MreldrakeRorstil HallowdantSarrakScarmar HeldethStorm SilverhandSurgol VelardTalonar WinterTargraelTarimmonTarmuthThe SimbulThornatarTraevyn IllanceTreth HalonterUnstrarr TroonVainrenceVangerdahastVoruldWelwyn TracegarXarlandralathYarjack Blamreld
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Armor and Clothing
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Food and drink
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jambutterbiscuitspicklesrarest dragon meat'ssausages
braziercoachdarfly-sting essencedown into slumberhornknifepipeweedquillsapphireshimmerweavevenom




External links[]


  1. Ed Greenwood (2020-06-26). Chronology of Elminster Books (Tweet). theedverse. Twitter. Archived from the original on 2010-06-27. Retrieved on 2021-05-26.