All creatures with chaotic evil alignment in the Forgotten Realms.
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- Babau
- Baernaloth
- Bajang
- Bakemono
- Balhannoth
- Balor
- Banshee
- Banshrae
- Baphitaur
- Barlgura
- Barrowe
- Bastellus
- Beast of Malar
- Bebilith
- Berbalang
- Bheur
- Black cloud of vengeance
- Black dragon
- Black slaad
- Black unicorn
- Blackspawn corruptor
- Blackspawn stalker
- Blazing skeleton
- Blood fiend
- Blood horse
- Bloodfire ooze
- Blue slaad
- Bodak
- Bog hag
- Boggart
- Boneclaw
- Bonedrinker
- Bonegouge assassin
- Bright naga
- Bugbear
- Bulezau
- Bullywug
- Cadaver golem
- Caligrosto
- Caller in darkness
- Cambion
- Canoloth
- Carrionette
- Cave troll
- Cerebrilith
- Chaos dragon
- Chaos quadrapod
- Chaos shard
- Chardalyn dragon
- Chasme
- Chimera
- Chitine
- Choker
- Choldrith
- Chosen one
- Chuul
- Chwidencha
- Cloaker lord
- Clockwork horror
- Coffer corpse
- Coldlight walker
- Con-tinh
- Corpse vampire
- Cyclops
- Cyclopskin
- Dark planetar
- Darktentacles
- Darkweaver
- Death knight
- Death slaad
- Deathcoils
- Deathdrinker
- Decapus
- Deep dragon
- Deepspawn
- Demilich
- Demodand
- Demon
- Demon lord
- Demon spawn
- Demonflesh golem
- Demonweb terror
- Derro
- Desert troll
- Devil dog
- Devourer
- Dhergoloth
- Dire corby
- Displacer serpent
- Docentos
- Dolgrim
- Dracohydra
- Dracolich
- Dracolisk
- Dracosphinx
- Draegloth
- Dragonkin
- Draudnu
- Dread (demon)
- Dread linnorm
- Dream vestige
- Dretch
- Drider
- Drider vampire
- Drow
- Dune hag
- Dust wight
- Dwarf vampire
- Dybbuk
- Dzalmus