Sorcerer spells from 3rd and 3.5 edition D&D.
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- Abi-Dalzim's horrid wilting
- Abolish shadows
- Absorption
- Acid fog
- Acid splash
- Aganazzar's scorcher
- Alter self
- Amorphous form
- Analyze portal
- Animate dead
- Animate rope
- Antimagic field
- Arc of lightning
- Arcane eye
- Backblast
- Baleful polymorph
- Ball lightning
- Banishment
- Battering ram (spell)
- Bear's endurance
- Beltyn's burning blood
- Bestow curse
- Bigby's clenched fist
- Bigby's crushing hand
- Bigby's forceful hand
- Bigby's grasping hand
- Binding
- Blackstaff (spell)
- Blight (spell)
- Blindness or deafness
- Blink
- Blood rage
- Blur
- Bull's strength
- Burning hands
- Caligarde's claw
- Carrion summons
- Cat's grace
- Catapult (spell)
- Chain lightning
- Changestones
- Chaos (spell)
- Charm monster
- Charm person
- Chill touch
- Circle of death
- Clairaudience/clairvoyance
- Clone (spell)
- Cloudkill
- Color spray
- Comprehend languages
- Cone of cold
- Confusion
- Contagion
- Contingency
- Control undead
- Control weather
- Create undead
- Crushing sphere
- Dancing lights
- Darkness
- Darkvision (spell)
- Darts of bone
- Daylight
- Death armor
- Decastave
- Deep breath
- Delayed blast fireball
- Detect thoughts
- Dimension door
- Dire charm
- Disguise self
- Disintegrate
- Dismissal
- Dispel magic
- Dominate person
- Duhlark's glasstrike