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Should this category contain everything around Suq Bay or just the four cities that the article says form the "Cities of the Heart"? —Moviesign (talk) 16:18, February 13, 2016 (UTC)

Technically the "Cities of the Heart" were only the cities of Halwa, Huzuz, Hiyal, and Wasat. However, to me it makes sense to include other places that are geographically located "between" these listed cities ... like Zarif, Hayyir, etc. Make sense? Artemaz (talk) 20:02, February 13, 2016 (UTC)
Okay, if we are treating this as a region then I'm going to add a few things. —Moviesign (talk) 05:39, February 14, 2016 (UTC)
Just to support: I would also see "Cities of the Heart" as the name both of the cities and the region they are in. We also had a discussion about this here, and a map with the approximate borders. Daranios (talk) 12:33, February 14, 2016 (UTC)
I had forgotten about that discussion so I will go back and read it. I'm using File:Zakhara-Geographical-Regions.png for the compass-point categories (northwest, north, northeast, etc.) but I have not been adding cultural region categories except for Category:Maps of the Cities of the Heart so far. Would you like those added as mentioned in my draft guidelines here? Some of the divisions that you made are already regions on the map (like High Desert) so they should be taken care of, unless there is a discrepancy between what the map says and the lines you drew. One question: is that region in the lower right that contains Sahu and Afyal supposed to be in both the Crowded Sea and the Cities of the Ancients? EDIT: Nevermind, the answer was in the discussion. —Moviesign (talk) 14:28, February 14, 2016 (UTC)
In my opinion it is not exactly necessary to add the cultural regions to the maps, but it sure would be nice. Daranios (talk) 20:01, February 14, 2016 (UTC)