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The Cathedral of Night was a Shadovar shrine dedicated to Shar in the ruins of Xinlenal.[1]


The shrine was located inside of a ruined building that appeared to be in no better shape than the rest of the ruined city, although the structure's main entrance had been rebuilt to be much wider.[1]


Despite the sorry exterior, the interior was meticulously refurbished. The shrine was lined in black colors, notably with onyx and jet, and was magically cloaked in shadows. Some of these shadows—which appeared to flicker even without light—were almost alive, and hungrily lashed out to feed on the warmth of living creatures.[1]


The Cathedral of Night contained a portal to the Shadowfell that the Shadovar of Xinlenal used to bring supplies into the city to aid with their reconstruction efforts. The shrine's priest was thus responsible not only for spiritual matters, but logistics as well.[1]


The Shrine was the very first thing rebuilt by the Shadovar when they rediscovered the fallen enclave of Xinlenal in the late 15th century DR. It was completed and operational as of the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR.[1]


The shrine's priest was Orthinos Eln. In addition, the Cathedral of Night hosted shade and shadar-kai guards tasked with keeping nonstop watch over the portal.[1]


