Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Censers of controlling air elementals were enchanted incense burners that could pull creatures from the Elemental Plane of Air to the Prime Material plane.[2]


These enchanted thuribles were made out of gold and covered with arcane scripts etched into the surface. These words translated to prayers to Akadi, the Queen of Air.[2] A typical censer of controlling air elementals was 0 feet and 6 inches (0.15 meters) wide and 0 feet and 1 inch (0.025 meters) deep perforated bowl.[3]


When fulled with incense and lit, such censer summoned an air elemental under the summoner's control. This ritual could be performed once per day.[2] If magical incense of meditation was used with these thuribles, an elder air elemental was summoned. Each censer of controlling air elementals could only summon one creature at a time. The summoned air elemental could be dispelled with spells or dismissed by its summoner.[3]


A skilled crafter of wondrous items could create similar censers with the use of summon monster VI and summon monster IX spells.[3]


Circa 1372 DR, several powerful magical items were brought to Toril by a planeswalking wizard Vejoni H. Wyzz who pitched his extraplanar tent just outside the town of Liam's Hold. Censers of controlling air elementals could be found in his collection.[4]

Notable Users[]

  • Bahamut's divine powers allowed him to create various enchanted items, including censers of controlling air elementals.[6]



Referenced only
Zikran's Zephyrean Tome
Video Games
Neverwinter Nights series (Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of UndrentideNeverwinter Nights 2Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford)


