Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Chantos Graybeard was a businessman and wizard in Skullport during the mid-to-late 14th century DR.[1]


Chantos was a gentleman mage known for his quick wit and complex, but deft, hand gestures during spell casting. He disliked Nestor Podgin and planned to ruin him.[3]


He was never seen without his midnight blue cloak of displacement, his ring of shooting stars, and at least three ioun stones. He always carried with him a wand of fire and a dagger of throwing that was particularly devestating against beings from the lower planes. This last item was a prize he had discovered during the adventures of his youth.[3]


With three partners—Aurin the Generous, Ysele the Cat, and Lord Ithvar Wordkiller—Chantos co-owned and managed Hired Horrors, a business of breeding and selling deepspawn, usually for dungeons.[1]


Aurin and Chantos had been good friends for five decades, and shared a bond of mutual respect that made it nearly impossibe to drive a wedge between them.[1][4] Ysvele and Ithvar were too greedy for Chantos.[1]


In his youth, Chantos once adventured in the High Forest with Aurin. Arriving in Skullport, he, Aurin, Ysele, and Ithvar created the deepspawn breeding business.[1]

In 1370 DR, he began to doubt Aurin's leadership of the business.[1] He was especially concerned with the appearance of a competitor, Nestor Podgin's Monsters Made to Order, and would try everything to ruin him.[3]

