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Chill metal was a transmutation spell that made metal cold as ice.[1]


Chill metal lowered the temperature of metal items until it was incredibly cold. A creature took cold damage if its equipment was chilled. It took full damage if its armor was affected or if it was holding, touching, wearing, or carrying metal weighing one-fifth of its weight. The creature suffered minimal injury if it was not wearing metal armor and the metal that it was carrying weighed less than one-fifth of its weight.[1]

Initially, the metal became very chilly and uncomfortable to touch but dealt no damage. Shortly thereafter, icy coldness caused pain and damage. A few minutes later the metal became freezing cold, causing greater injury. Any heat intense enough to damage the creature negated cold damage from the spell (and vice versa). Underwater, chill metal dealt no damage, but ice immediately formed around the affected metal, making it more buoyant.[1]

Chill metal countered and dispelled the heat metal spell.[1]


It needed verbal and somatic components, as well as a divine focus.[1]



