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Chokemist, or Breath of Talona, was the name of a subterranean plant and the toxic substance it produced, found in the jungles of Samarach.[1]

There is no way to withstand this poison, no antidote, little bird. It is called at times "Breath of Talona" because you die from it as surely as if she marked you. It is certainty- and perhaps a powerful mandate.
— Vadin'ya, Merchant of Samargol[1]


Chokemist plants continually produced spore mist, an extremely poisonous substance with addictive properties which even affected those creatures naturally resistant to toxins. Small amounts of chokemist, when inhaled, caused irrational behavior and delirium. Those who inhaled chokemist developed resistance to poison, allowing them to gather the substance. However, the resistance was accompanied by addiction. The dependency was so strong that creatures swiftly perished without regularly imbibing the spores. Entrances to the caverns filled with chokemist could be identified by green spore mists that rhythmically billowed from them.[1]

Chokemist was deadly. It had no antidote, no cure, and once inhaled, was virtually undetectable within the victim's body.[1]


By the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR, the chokemist plant was driven close to complete extinction in Samarach. Due to the fumes of the plant killing almost anything that caught a whiff of the substance. There were very few caverns in jungles where chokemist could be seen growing in the wild. One such cave was to the north from the Snout of Omgar.[1]

In 1374 DR, Luaire Farwander, a yuan-ti pureblood mage and infiltrator, used chokemist spores to poison a Lantanna artificer. Luaire commanded a small army of corrupted giant spiders, addicted to chokemist vapors and completely under his enthralling.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir

