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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Loremistress Cindric Alaekyn was a human cleric of Oghma and the high priestess of the Pursuers of Pure Knowledge based in Mintar in the Lake of Steam region in the mid-to-late 14th century DR.[1]


She was a relative of Elrauvilar Alaekyn, the ruler of Mintar until 1361 DR, and of his son and successor, Obril Alaekyn, who was assassinated the following year.[1][note 1]


In the winter of the Year of the Helm, 1362 DR, Teldorn Darkhope conquered the city of Mintar at the head of a Zhentarim-sponsored army of the church of Iyachtu Xvim acting in the name of Bane.[1][2][3] Loremistress Cindric and the Pursuers carried out of their temple as many books, scrolls, maps, and records as possible, and hid these in caches throughout Mintar and below ground, before the invaded looted and razed all the temples.[1]

Thereafter, she and many of the priests remained within the city to do what they could to aid the people. They had two goals. One: record all that occurred in the occupied city so that the Banites could one day be held accountable for their crimes and atrocities. Two: obstruct and sabotage them in any way they could. As a result, the priests formed the core of the resistance, even being nicknamed the Pursuers of Freedom.[1]



  1. Although the characters have the same family name, the source does not make clear a connection between Cindric and the others.

