Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Company of the Brazen Pennant was a major ferrying service for towns and cities across northwest Faerûn.[1][2]


The company offered transport via ship to major towns with a port, such as Luskan, across the Savage Frontier and Sword Coast North, and even locations in the Trackless Sea, such as Orlumbor and Mintarn.[1][2] They were prompt with timing, and always left in the mid-morning within a one-hour time slot.[1]


Circa 1358 DR, they appeared to be the only company willing to take dangerous and risky trips, such as to Tuern and Gundarlun. However, such trips came at a cost of 100 gp per head, and disasters were known to happen. The Heroes of Ascore used their service to sail to Gundarlun and rescue Jagaerda.[1]



Video games
Gateway to the Savage FrontierNeverwinter Nights (AOL game)Treasures of the Savage Frontier

