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The Council of the Dragon was a noble moot called by King Foril Obarskyr I of Cormyr to discuss the ruling of the Realm.[1]

I have heard your anger, directly and by report of what you have said aloud but not to my face. Remember that I must rule justly over all Cormyreans, high and low. I am prepared to dispense with evasions, long speeches, and insults, and deal plainly, here and now. So, what rights and privileges are you, good lords of the realm all, most concerned with?
— Foril Obarskyr I, during the Council of the Dragon in Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR[1]


The Council of the Dragon was held in the Hall of Justice in Castle Obarksyr.[3]


There was to be open discussion, and a vow of magically enforced loyalty to Prince Irvel Obarskyr, starting at highsun.[1]


In the eve of the council, blueflame ghosts murdered Seszgar Huntcrown,[4] and then likely Gariskar Dauntinghorn and Draskos Crownsilver,[5] raising alarm among the nobles. Then on the day of the council, following the machinations of the vampire archmage Manshoon, the room was flooded with deadly poison gas, demanding a day's delay.[6]

When the moot was finally held, before any vows occurred, the nobles made a number of demands that while individually reasonable, would have not just nulled the Suzail Writ, but granted the nobility much more power than before.[1] Several demands that ensued, such as that of Landrar Dathcloake, who demanded that nobles be able to form a council to control all of Cormyr, rather than the royal family, went even beyond. Obraerl Foulweather and Mulcaster Emmarask both pushed forward for this, despite Foril's position being that it was a red line for him. When the last one claimed this was the will of Alusair Obarskyr, her ghost manifested and denounced his position as a load of bull. Rather than back off, he doubled down, and claimed she wasn't really the princess; Alusair immediately walked through him, and he fell to the ground, twitching.[7]

Things degenerated quickly after that, with many nobles forming a ring around the king, and a battle ensuing, in which at least one Highknight and one War Wizard died. After Prince Irvel Obarskyr's ironguard was tested, he was ushered out of the room just in time for a blueflame ghost to appear and start cutting down nobles. She disappeared after killing Lord Foulweather.[8]

Then Amarune Whitewave, a mask dancer housing the consciousness of the fugitive wizard Elminster Aumar at the time, used a perfected version of the call bones spell to fatally debone every noble who attacked the King.[9]


Predictably, word on the streets was that Cormyr had been plunged into civil war afterwards. There were a number of killings that could be assumed to have been precipitated by the opportunity, such as the death of Lord Windstag, for which no other cause was known.[10] The rumors blew the situation out of proportion somewhat, claiming that the Royal Family had died, for instance.[2]



Novels & Short Stories

Referenced only
Elminster Must Die •


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Ed Greenwood (2011). Bury Elminster Deep. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 9, p. 87. ISBN 0786958154.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Ed Greenwood (2011). Bury Elminster Deep. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 11, pp. 102–103. ISBN 0786958154.
  3. Ed Greenwood (2011). Bury Elminster Deep. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 3, p. 29. ISBN 0786958154.
  4. Ed Greenwood (June 2011). Elminster Must Die (Mass Market Paperback). (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 25, p. 261. ISBN 978-0786957996.
  5. Ed Greenwood (June 2011). Elminster Must Die (Mass Market Paperback). (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 35, pp. 259–260. ISBN 978-0786957996.
  6. Ed Greenwood (2011). Bury Elminster Deep. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 4, pp. 37–39. ISBN 0786958154.
  7. Ed Greenwood (2011). Bury Elminster Deep. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 10, pp. 90–92. ISBN 0786958154.
  8. Ed Greenwood (2011). Bury Elminster Deep. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 10, pp. 93–94. ISBN 0786958154.
  9. Ed Greenwood (2011). Bury Elminster Deep. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 10, p. 95. ISBN 0786958154.
  10. Ed Greenwood (2011). Bury Elminster Deep. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 28, pp. 268–269. ISBN 0786958154.