Creature Catalogue is a Basic Dungeons & Dragons accessory published in 1986 by TSR, Inc.
The Creature Catalogue is the first major expansion to the range of D&D game monsters. Within its covers have been collected all the curious creatures first presented in the official D&D adventure modules, plus many more new nasties, designed to challenge and perplex the heartiest heroes. Also included is a comprehensive index of all D&D monsters found in the Basic, Expert, Companion, and Master rule sets.
Whether your players' characters are 1st, 21st, or 31st level, this tome contains many fantastic creatures with which to test their mettle. Armed with the Creature Catalogue, you will be able to find the right fearsome foe to confront even the most foolhardy fellow.Description[]
Creature Catalogue describes over 200 monsters, most of which had been collected from D&D rules and modules, as well as 80 new monsters which had never been printed before; each monster is illustrated and indexed by habitat. Creature Catalogue collected all the creatures first presented in the official Dungeons & Dragons adventure modules to that time, plus many new creatures and some converted from Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. Also included is a comprehensive index of all Dungeons & Dragons monsters found in the Basic, Expert, Companion and Master rulesets.
Each creature in the book is illustrated, and the entries in the book are ordered by type rather than just alphabetically. This includes six sections: Animals (including giant and extinct varieties), Conjurations (such as elementals and golems), Humanoids, Lowlife (including insects, plants, and jellies and slimes), Monsters (a catch-all category), and Undead. The Intelligence score of each monster is listed with the rest of its statistics. The book also includes a comprehensive index of all monsters by environment, and Frank Mentzer's guide on how to balance encounters according to the levels of the player characters, originally printed in the Master Set, is reproduced in the introduction.
- Introduction
- Main (Creature Name) Index
- Animals: Mundane, Extinct and Giant
- Conjurations: Magical and Other planar
- Humanoids: Tribal and Solitary
- Lowlife: Plants, Bugs, Worms and Goos
- Monsters: and Other Fantastical Creatures
- Undead: Mindless and Malignant
- Creature ‘Type’ Index
- Habitat Index
- Compiled by: Graeme Morris, Phil Gallagher & Jim Bambra
- Monsters created by: Dave Alexander, Jim Bambra, Mike Brunton, William Carlson, Zeb Cook, Michael Gray, Phil Gallagber, Jeff Grubb, Gary Gygax, Bruce Heard, Tom Kirby, Ann Gray McCready, Michael Malone, Frank Mentzer, Tom Moldvay, Graeme Morris, Bruce Nesmitb, Doug Niles, Merle Rasmussen, Gamy Spiegle, Jean Wells, Skip Williams
- Art by: Jeff Anderson, Helen Bedfod, Gary Harrod, Tim Sell, Brian Williams, Geoff Wingate, Pete Young
- Many thanks to: Mike Brunton, Dawn Buton, Harold Johnson, Frank Menm, Carole Morris & Sarah peck
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