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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Daazlag was an orog in Thar in 1372 DR.[2]


In 1345 DR Daazlag, alongside his siblings Naazlog and his leader Thrull, emerged from the Underdark to the Xûl-Jarak citadel in Thar. There the orc adept Jurrg proclaimed them "sons of Gruumsh" and Thrull the new king of Thar. Quickly, Thrull ordered Naazlog and Daazlag to act as his lieutenants

In 1372 DR Rûlgar, Jurrg's brother, found the Hammer of Gruumsh in a cave in the Galena Mountains and Jurrg saw this as a sign that the time of the Thrull's rule was near.[3] Meantime Daazlag had secretly formed an alliance with Bremen Leiyraghon, heir of House Leiyraghon in Melvaunt, and thank to his ally the orog captured the scions of five powerful House from Melvaunt. Jurrg planned to ritually sacrificed them in the crowning ceremony for Thrull.[4]

Daazlag survived the raid of an adventuring party hired by Lord Woarsten Nanther, that defeated Thrull inside Xûl-Jarak and rescue the scions. Together with his ally Bremen he planned a vengeance and during a party housed by House Leiyraghon to celebrate the heroes Daazlag and some orc archers attacked the guests.[2]


