Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Dagger of the Star was a unique dagger that was rumored to originate from the heavens.[1]


In addition to its +4 enchantment the Dagger of the Star had a rather unique magical property: every time the weapon struck, there was a chance its wielder would disappear from sight for an entire minute.[1]

The imp Cespenar was aware of the weapon and knew it could be further enchanted, a process that would involve five star sapphires being embedded into its hilt.[1]


As of the Year of the Gauntlet, 1369 DR, the Dagger of the Star was interred within a crypt within the fourth level of Watcher's Keep in Tethyr.[1]


Due to its unique magical properties, the dagger was favored by a number of assassins.[1]

Rumors & Legends[]

According to legend, the weapon first came to Toril when it was dropped by one of the pantheon's lesser deities.[1]



Video Games

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