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The Dark Arch, sometimes called Closeguard Bridge,[3] was a bridge that connected the South Bank of Luskan to Closeguard Island in the River Mirar.[1][2][4]


It was a short, arching bridge that continued from the Darkwalk on the South Bank.[1][5] It had securable gates,[3] and only members of the Arcane Brotherhood or of Ship Kurth were permitted to cross the bridge under normal circumstances.[1][2]


As of the mid-to-late 14th century DR, the Arcane Brotherhood had placed a secret ward on the Dark Arch that alerted them if anyone not affiliated with their faction were to cross it,[1] and the Archmage Arcane Arklem Greeth had further strengthened its magical defenses. At the same time, the bridge had been rigged by Kurth engineers to be able to collapse in case of an attack.[3]


When forces led by Deudermont and Lord Brambleberry attacked Luskan to drive out Arklem Greeth and the Arcane Brotherhood in the Year of the Bent Blade, 1376 DR, a major turning point occurred when High Captain Kurth permitted their forces to cross the Dark Arch and Sword Bridge to attack Cutlass Island and the Host Tower of the Arcane by land.[6]



Novels & Short Stories

The Pirate King • Maestro (not named)
Referenced only
Relentless (not named)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Ed Greenwood (1993). Volo's Guide to the North. (TSR, Inc), pp. 118–119. ISBN 1-5607-6678-6.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Steve Kenson, et al. (November 2015). Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. Edited by Kim Mohan. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 97–98. ISBN 978-0-7869-6580-9.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 R.A. Salvatore (Oct. 2008). The Pirate King. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 15. ISBN 978-0-7869-4964-9.
  4. slade, et al. (April 1996). “Cities & Civilization”. In James Butler ed. The North: Guide to the Savage Frontier (TSR, Inc.), p. 23. ISBN 0-7869-0391-0.
  5. Ed Greenwood (1993). Volo's Guide to the North. (TSR, Inc), p. 117. ISBN 1-5607-6678-6.
  6. R.A. Salvatore (Oct. 2008). The Pirate King. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 16. ISBN 978-0-7869-4964-9.