Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The dark creeper enclave, also known as the Shadovar Embassy,[2] was a large manor in Evernight. As of the late 15th century DR, it served as a consulate for the Empire of Netheril as well as the home of the Glumguts family of dark ones who maintained the building on behalf of the Netherese.[1]


It was located on the south side of the city adjacent to the Graveyard.[1][3]


The manor was one of the largest residences in the city. It was old and run-down.[1]


The outpost served as a place where visiting shadovar would stay. The dark creepers would also accept messages for the Netherese.[1]


By the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR, the shadovar had to contend with subversive actions against her embassy by the Thayan outpost in Evernight, although the city's Tribunal forbade this from escalating into open conflict.[1][2][4]


The building was managed by the dark creepers and dark stalkers of the Glumguts family. This included their leader (Blackclaw), his son (Blackcut), and other extended relations (e.g., Thrax and Vynnia). In addition to their duties to their Netherese employers, the Glumguts were known to rob visitors to Evernight—especially living individuals who seemed unfamiliar with the Shadowfell—and to attack travelers along the Shadowfell Road.[1]

As of the late 15th century DR, the Shadovar Ambassador was Kaross.[2]



