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Darrask Baergil was a member of the Riders of Mistledale in the Dalelands in the early-to-mid–14th century DR. He led the organization as Captain from 1335 to 1352 DR.[1]


Darrask had brown hair and a mustache, which changed to grey in his later years. He was of average height, and had particularly hairy forearms.[1]


Darrask was described as worldly and calm, as well as polite. He was noted as being fearless but kindly, and a good judge of character. He was alert to threats of treachery. Although usually calm, Darrask was able to be stern, and even ruthless, when required.[1]

He favored practicality over fashion, choosing to dress in a simple manner. He was not fussy about food, although he liked to eat roast boar in a red-wine mushroom sauce, and enjoyed drinking mint wine, which brewed by gnomes from Western Sembia. He was enthralled by elven dancing.[1]


Darrask always carried a sharp knife in his belt, and used this to carve figurines to pass time. He would give the figurines away to children or acquaintances. He was a collector of maps, and would write Mistledale lore in chapbooks. After his death, a magical Cormanthyrian elfblade was discovered in his possessions.[1]


Darrask was born in the Year of the Trumpet, 1301 DR, on a farm near Ashabenford in Mistledale. He was the second of seven children to parents Angram and Baelaetha Baergil. While growing up, he learned to be a good horse-rider and forester, and developed a love for strategy.[1]

In the Year of Chains, 1321 DR, Darrask joined the Riders of Mistledale, a militia group in the dale. This was the same year when eleven of the riders retired from wounds or old age. He then progressed to the rank of Swordar in the Year of the Sword and Stars, 1332 DR, as second in command to Captain Ranthorn Hawkhar, after the previous Swordar, Galaerak Darrowman, died.[1]

In the Year of the Snow Winds, 1335 DR, Captain Ranthorn Hawkhar was maimed when his home was burned by raiders, and he was forced to retire to Sembia. Darrask replaced him as Captain of the Riders.[1]

In his later years, Darrask suffered injuries to his right thigh, the first from being gored by a boar, and then from brigand and Zhent weapons.[1]

Darrask retired as Captain of the Riders in the Year of the Dragon, 1352 DR, after he had several dreams in which Tempus appeared to him and called upon him. Darrask then became a priest of Tempus, and rose quickly through the ranks of the church of Tempus.[1]

In the Year of Shadows, 1358 DR, the Zhents, under the orders of Bane, converged on Shadowdale. Witnessing a Zhentarim wizard raising undead in Essembra, Darrask joined the war. During the main battle against the Zhent army, Darrask managed to summon his god, Tempus, sacrificing himself but winning the day.[3][2][4]


Darrask's father was Angram Baergil and his mother was Baelaetha Baergil. He was the second born of seven siblings. His older brother was Athror Baergil.[1]

Darrask never married, but became close with five women of Mistledale and two traveling Harpers.[1]

Baergil was an acquaintance of Merith Strongbow of the Knights of Myth Drannor.[3]


See Also[]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 Ed Greenwood, The Hooded One (2011-09-01). Questions for Ed Greenwood (2011). Candlekeep Forum. Retrieved on 2018-02-24.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Ed Greenwood (October 1995). All Shadows Fled (Paperback ed.). (TSR, Inc), chap. 8, pp. 121–125. ISBN 0-7869-0302-3.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Ed Greenwood (October 1995). All Shadows Fled (Paperback ed.). (TSR, Inc), chap. 2, pp. 34–35. ISBN 0-7869-0302-3.
  4. Eric L. Boyd (2001-12-12). “The Trail of Tears: A River of Blood”. Perilous Gateways. Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2004-02-23. Retrieved on 2020-04-19.