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Death minnows were a deceptively dangerous species of deep sea, magically created fish, meant to act as guardians of undersea lairs and treasure troves.[1]


These fish sported orange scales and were usually found to be as small as 2 inches (0.051 meters), however, they with their innate magical ability they can grow to be as large as 8 feet (2.4 meters). They were quite agile, able to evade most attacks while in their minute state.[1]


These creatures had only an animal level of intellect, but ensured the area surrounding whatever they were assigned to guard remained clear of nosy predators, such as adventurers. All death minnows were stilled with an instinctual pressure to not release swallowed prey under any circumstances, a drive that persisted in their body even once killed.[1]


Rather than sight, these fish relied upon pressure-sensitive lateral lines to detect other creatures. They were endowed with a magical ability that mimicked the spell enlarge/reduce, allowing them to increase and shrink their body mass at will. Any creature swallowed by a death minnow's powerful suction in its enlarged state would likewise shrink down in size when the death minnow reduced its mass. If dispel magic was ever cast upon them, their bodies was enlarge to their maximum size of 8 ft (2.4 m).[1]


No wild populations of these fish existed, as they were an entirely artificial species. They felt no need to breed and it was uncertain as to whether or not they even had sexes.[1]


The blood of these creatures could be utilized to make ink for spell scrolls of enlarge or reduce. Their bodies were also edible, sporting a flavor akin to kippered herring.[1]


The first death minnows were created by undersea sorcerers, though its unknown who or what race they were, with some believing them to be aboleths and others sahuagin.[1]

Two death minnows acted as guardians of treasure in the Temple of Eadro in Voalidru. After both the temple and city were abandoned, the fish were left to skulk around for months, until they were attracted by the kraken Qol'in'taroq's call. In their efforts to investigate the noise, the minnows became trapped in the temple's pantry. Over time, for reasons unknown, the minnows did not bother the kraken's sahuagin minions whenever they came twice a day to the pantry for food, who unaware of the presence of the dangerous sometime. Sometime later, in the Year of the Unstrung Harp, 1371 DR, a group of adventurers traveling through the ruined temple to put an end to the kraken stumbled upon the two death minnows in the pantry and were attacked.[2]




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9  (1998). Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Four. (TSR, Inc), pp. 34–35. ISBN 0-7869-1212-X.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Matthew G. Adkins (March 2000). “The Akriloth”. Dungeon #79 (Wizards of the Coast) (79)., p. 77.