Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Deena was a mystic and an enchanter, who worked as a swimming instructor in the city of Ravens Bluff in the Vast in the late 14th century DR.[1]


In the late 14th century DR, Morris was in her late teens. Deena was a muscular young woman, 5 feet and 9 inches (1.8 meters) tall, and 150 pounds (68 kilograms). She had dark brown straight shoulder-long hair and large brown eyes. Deena's face always had a calm, pleasant smile. She often wore bright white robes and a modest one-piece swimsuit when teaching.[1]


Just like her fellow instructors, Deena was a pacifist and only entered conflicts to defend herself. She meditated daily for two hours before dawn.[1]


Deena spoke Common, Elvish, and Merfolk languages. Among weapon proficiencies, she only knew how to use simple slings. She was a master dancer and swimmer. Deena was also knowledgeable in the subjects of astrology and religion. Her magical abilities were humble but impressive for a woman her age. She knew several spells recorded in her spellbook, such as cantrip, charm person, read magic, and sleep. Other magic abilities of hers consisted of being able to feign death, the ability to leave her body in spirit form, and the ability to move through any opening. Each of these abilities could be used once per tenday, remaining active for 24 hours. Additionally, she could levitate once per tenday for an hour.[1]


Deena was born and raised Ravenaar. She apprenticed in magic at Ravens Bluff and adopted the worship of Eldath at an early age. Deena befriended a cleric of Eldath named Milissa in her teens and, several years later, joined her swimming school that gave lessons to humanoids in Raven Bluff's docks. Deena was taught how to swim by Milissa, and she became the swimming school's latest teacher.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Tim Beach (June 1992). “The Living City: Swimming Lessons”. In Jean Rabe ed. Polyhedron #72 (TSR, Inc.), p. 7.