Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Demon fever was a supernatural disease spread by night hags and abyssal ghouls, neither of which, strangely, were demons.[1][2][3][4][5][2][6]


The disease was transmitted via the bite of a night hag[1][2] and via the front and hind claws of an abyssal ghoul.[3][4] It had an incubation period of one day.[2]


Each day of infection could greatly damage the sufferer's health and vitality, making it harder for them to fight off the disease. If the disease was healed or fought off, this loss of vitality could be recovered, however a persistent case of demon fever could drain some health and vitality permanently, perhaps continuing until the victim died.[1][2][3][4][5]


Demon fever was one of many diseases that could be encountered in the Underdark.[7]

Inflicting demon fever on her enemies was a favored tactic of the night hag Luxewa, who laired in a seaside cave on the eastern shore of the Moonsea in the mid-to-late 14th century DR.[8]



