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Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Dirge of Delzoun was an epic dwarven ballad that told the grim tale of the shield dwarves of the North. It has never been translated from any language other than Dwarvish and was only known by a handful of dwarven bards. Over the years, only a select few elves and humans had ever heard the song performed in its entirety, a feat that would would take almost thirty hours.[1]


The Dirge of Delzoun recounted the rise of the Citadels in the Northdark, to the shield dwarves' settling of the Silver Marches. Throughout the ballad, listeners were regaled with legendary tales of Delzoun's most famous heroes,[1] fiercest foes, and most glorious fortunes.[2]


In the late 14th century DR, King Emerus Warcrown designated Ollyn Grimtongue as Citadel Felbarr's "dirgekeeper," the sole dwarf who was granted permission to contribute to the dirge.[2]


